Assignment transport calculation 10

Duration of the trip: 11 days, 19 hours, and 7125 km
The trip starts Monday morning

Price of new car:                                                                                  1.035.000 DKK

Vehicle tax:                                                                                          3.854 DKK

Insurance (per quarter year):                                                              11.150 DKK

Repair and maintenance per km:                                                         0,28 DKK

Depreciation:                                                                                      5 years

Vehicle interest:                                                                                   6,2%

Tire cost per kilometer:                                                                       0,16 DKK

Scrap value:                                                                                          200.000 DKK.

Road toll:                                                                                              9.316 DKK.

Number of kilometers per liter Diesel:                                                3,22

Price per liter Diesel:                                                                           6,42 DKK

Profit:                                                                                                   6,0 %

Driver salary:

  • 0,60 DKK per km
  • 48,75 DKK per hour
  • Weekend supplement: 14,50 DKK per hour from Saturday at 18:00 o’clock to Sunday at 20 o’clock
  • Indirect labor costs: 42 %

Number of budgeted kilometers per year:                                          210.000 km.

Number of working days per year:                                                      280 days

Administrative costs per year:                                                             178.000 DKK